Keren SouzaKohn’s evocative paintings are of everyday objects, vignettes of a familiar environment recognizable shapes and forms, day to day impressions.
Through the grouping and careful selection of these items, and Keren’s own personal perspective of them, they are imbued with passion and vigour
Things have movement.
Freed of inanimate two – dimensional existence.
Keren breathes life into them by releasing
perspectives often overlooked or ignored.
Subtly textured and enriched by absorbent purples
and browns, scorched siennas and parchment.
Keren was born in London, England. She completed a foundation course at Hornsey College of Art, London and gained a BA (Hons) in Fine Art at Ravensbourne College of Art and Design, London.
She has had several one woman shows in the past for her acrylic paintings but the one for the Wilson Hale Gallery was the first to focus on her work with oils.
She says of her work: “My work is an attempt to strive for simplicity, reaching for the essence.”
By: Jon Futrell, Critic & Journalist